
inspirational quotes.
anorexia is/is not.
proanorexia is/is not.
inspirational quotes.
tips and tricks.
model/celeb thinspo.
about eating disorders.
about me.
so you want an eating disorder?
the dangers of eating disorders.
fastfood content.
real life thinspo.

Here I will keep a collection of inspirational quotes(: If you know of any good ones that are not already listed here, send them to me[see my 'About Me' page for my email] and I'll gladly put them up!
"Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away."
"Time spent wasting is not wasted time."
"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."

"Thinner is the winner."
"Hunger hurts but starving works."
"The flat stomach is nice, but a concave one is perfect."
"Eat to live, don't live to eat."
"Food is like art; to be looked at, not eaten."
"Anorexia is not a self-inflicted disease, it's a self-controlled lifestyle."
"We are prisoners of our taste buds--break free!"
"The difference between want and need is self-control."
"There is no try; there is only do."
"Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess baggage the shorter the trip."
"Pain is temporary; pride is forever."
"Don't give up what you want most for what you want at the moment."
"I'm a teenage drama queen, I'll throw my guts up for self esteem."
"Like a plant, surely the body can be trained to exist on nothing, to take it's nourishment from the air."
"Feed the soul: let the body fast."
"If you close your mouth to food, you can know a sweeter taste."
"I don't care if it hurts, I want to have control, I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul."
"Eat less, weigh less."
"Happy or sad, rich or poor, it's better being thin."
"Don't eat. If you want to see food, look in the mirror at your thighs."
"Food is the most primitive form of comfort."
"Act as if it were impossible to fail."
"Blessed are the starving, for they shall teach us not to want."
"Don't eat anything today that you'll regret tomorrow."
"Craving is only a feeling."
"Bones define who we relaly are. Let them show."