
about me.
anorexia is/is not.
proanorexia is/is not.
inspirational quotes.
tips and tricks.
model/celeb thinspo.
about eating disorders.
about me.
so you want an eating disorder?
the dangers of eating disorders.
fastfood content.
real life thinspo.

My name is Jadenichole and I'm fifteen years old.
I think I've suffered from disordered eating my entire life. As a child, I was always an extremely picky eater. I'd only eat my fruits and veggies raw and the only meat I ate was poultry. I remember knowing I was skinny but still sucking in for photos.
I cannot remember a time where I was not depressed. When I leaf through my childhood, I realize that I was never really a kid. Some of my first memories are my parents fighting, anger, and generally feeling scared all the time--walking on eggshells because I was always afraid of doing something that would start another arguement.
Right before my parents' divorce, so around when I was eight or so, I was molested by the one man I trusted more than anything[second only to my father]--my grandfather. Last year, my father decided it was necesarry to snoop through my journal and through this, he found out about the incident, loaded a gun, and tried to kill my grandpa that I still love dearly. I do not blame him for doing it. I don't think he even remembers it. He was diagnosed with Altheizmer's a while ago. Regardless, my mother didn't believe me that he touched me. It was her father. I guess I wouldn't want to believe something like that, either.
I have been struggling with self-harm since I was eleven years old, mostly in the form of cutting, but also occasional scartching and hair-pulling as well as punching and biting.
I guess my eating disorder really became unburied when I was twelve or so. I remember falling in love with a boy and not feeling good enough for him. So I stopped eating and starting excercising. I would sit on the floor of my shower and claw at my thighs until they bled. I would cry everytime I looked in the mirror. There was a voice in my head that always demanded more. I know now that that voice's name is Anorexia, and she is both my inner demon and my guardian angel.
I have attempted self-recovery several times, but to no avail. I cannot see myself not thinking the way I do. The mere idea of it absolutely terrifies me.
My life is not easy, but some days are better than others.
My stats as of 11/30/08
Height: 5'6"
HW at this height: 130 lbs.
LW at this height: 115 lbs.
CW: 128 lbs.
^^I will keep you posted on my progress.^^
*If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions for the site, you can email me at
UPDATE AS OF 12/27/08:
I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates recently. You see, earlier this month, I was admitted to a psychiactric ward for self harm, depression, and suicidal fantasies. But not for my eating disorder, as they didn't know about that. I was stripsearched, my scars were poked at. I was announced as incredibly unstable and was the first person in the history of the unit I was on to need a "one-to-one", aka, I had a nurse follow me around everywhere I went to ensure that I didn't hurt myself. I witnessed a boy try to kill himself in the middle of the kitchen with a pen he stole from an aid. I saw a lot. And I really don't want to talk about my time spent there. I'm just glad that I'm out. I lost four pounds while I was away, putting me at 124 lbs. I attempted recovery after that, but alas, it failed. So I am back, and PeaceLoveSkinny lives yet again.
Current height/weight as of 12/27/08: 5'6", 124 lbs.