
tips and tricks.
anorexia is/is not.
proanorexia is/is not.
inspirational quotes.
tips and tricks.
model/celeb thinspo.
about eating disorders.
about me.
so you want an eating disorder?
the dangers of eating disorders.
fastfood content.
real life thinspo.

-If you really want some food, take a bite, chew it, and then spit it out. Still hungry? Re-chew that last bite. Not so hungry anymore, are you?
-Eat naked in front of the mirror.
-Drink a glass of water every half hour. Water helps you burn calories, fills you up, and flushes you out.
-Carry thinspiration around with you, whether it be in your camera, phone, or notebooks.
-Sit up straight--it burns 10% more calories!
-Never eat anything bigger than a cup, otherwise your stomach with expand and you'll be hungry more.
-It takes twenty minutes for the body to realize that it is full, so eat slowly!
-Eat lots of fiber. It makes you feel full and takes fat with it when it leaves your body.
-Before you dig into that cake or big bag of chips, take a deep breath and count to onehundred. Still want it? Count again.
-Celery burns calories! Eat a stalk every hour and your metabolism will get faster.
-Fat free does not mean calorie free!
-Spread your food intake throughout the day; don't eat it all at once.
-When tempted by evil food, dump loads of salt, pepper, mustard, or anything else that would make it taste horrible onto it.
-Munch on ice cubes--it curbs cravings.
-Drinking ice cold water/taking a cold shower will burn calories because your body needs to bring its temperature back up to normal.
-Look up inspirational videos, television shows, pictures, poems, quotes, and stories to help you become more determined.
-Focus on the first couple of bites of a meal. Enjoy them. The excitement of the food will slowly subside and you'll be satisfied with a smaller portion.
-When you go out, make sure to only bring a couple dollars with you so you don't have enough for binge food.
-Low calorie hard candies make great snacks!
-Sugarfree gum is your new best friend.
-Keep busy. If you are too busy, you won't find time to binge!
-If you are craving something sweet, try diet soda, grapes, apples, or other fruits.
-Excercise as much as humanly possible.
-Layer your clothes. It helps coverup drastic weight loss and will warm you up.
-Keep a food diay. Record your intake and progress.
-Fidget. It's effortless and will burn calories.
-Don't eat anything has "hydrogenated" or "particially hydrogenated" anything! It causes celulite!
-If sugar, salt, or fat of any kind is within the first three ingredients listed, don't eat it.
-Think of something disgusting your food resembles.
-Go shopping and try on clothes that you wish you could fit into.
-Clench your butt all the time. It burns calories.
-Hungry? Pinch your stomach/thigh/arm/bum. Feel the fat. Is the food worth it?
-Keep in mind that just because your skinny friend eats a lot, it does not mean that you can do the same.
-Herbal teas and honey can aid in fasting.
-Break your fast by eating raw fruits and veggies for the first 5-7 days after your fast. Return back to solid foods slowly.
-Sit ups shold be a daily routine.
-The smell of coffee has been said to supress appetite.
-When you get hunger pains, curl up in a little ball; sometimes this helps soothe them.
-Don't eat in front of the computer of tv. This distracts you from recognizing that you're full.
-Vegetarianism and veganism are good ways to avoid unnecessary fat stored in meat and other animal products.
-Take a multivitamin everyday.
-Find a buddy and compete.
-Eat something pepperint, it decreases hunger.
-Never eat in a hurry.
-Don't drink any calories.