Salutations. Welcome to Peaceloveskinny. Before you continue, please read the following:
If you do not have an eating disorder or are currently recovering from an eating disorder,
please do not visit this page. Our goal is not to enforce this lifestyle on anyone; we simply support those who already live
it. We at Peaceloveskinny take no responsibility for how the information
on this website is used, and therefore are not held responsible for any physical, mental, or other consequential
damages caused by your visit to this webpage.
This website is not a weight-loss website. If you want to lose weight, you
should visit your doctor, a nutritionist, or another professional for advice. Remember: the tips, tricks, and advice on this
site are not made by professionals!
If you have read and agreed to the warning above, you have my permission to move about this
website as you please.
Peaceloveskinny was created October 28th, 2008.
What's New?
Check here for updates!
12/27/08-Updates on the About Me page about why I haven't been on in a while. Also, more thinspo has
been added to both pages.
11/30/08-Tons of new pages have been added, and don't think I forgot to add more thinspiration! :D
11/28/08- More thinspo has been added under both pages(: also,
a new page, "Inspirational Quotes" has been added!